Tuesday, July 2, 2013


While my first reaction to this word when used in the context of Christian theology is to recoil in terror, I have heard it used in a way that is enlightening. And that enlightenment came from a source that I did not expect.

The discussion was about the dichotomy of the “we have it right and everyone else is wrong” and “to each his own” ways of thinking about religion and God. My source suggested that there is a middle ground that looks like pluralism to the “my way or the highway” crowd, but approximates what he believes is the real teaching of the Bible. This middle ground is not concerned with arguing the heathen into belief in Christ, chanting religious slogans, or proclaiming judgment upon sinners. It is tasked to live as Christ lived on the earth. It is to carry out the Great Commandment — love God and love your neighbor as yourself.